Saturday, July 08, 2006

Funny Story Time.

Tonight Jim and I were driving by the post office at like 9:30. This guy came running out of that alleyway next to the p.o. He was wearing no shirt and had sweatpants on. Jim acted all concerned and was like shaking his head, so I was like . . ."What?" He goes, "Nothing." So I said, "Just tell me, what??" And he goes, "Did you see that guy come running out of the Dojo?" For the next 10 minutes he goes on to argue with me that there was a Dojo in Tremont, or still is a Dojo in Tremont. We drove by so he could see there wasn't a Dojo, but he still kept insisting there was once a Dojo (above or next to the Post Office). I laughed so hard I seriously almost peed my pants. I totally kept picturing the guy with sweats going to work out at the Tremont Dojo, and then running out all worked up and upset. HAHAHAHAHA

Kreese: Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?
Karate Student: No, Sensei.
Kreese: Pain does not exist in this dojo, does it?
Karate Student: No, Sensei.
Kreese: Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it?
Karate Student: No, Sensei.

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